Thursday, August 6, 2015

Things to look for when selecting a horse and key questions to ask!

Things to look for when selecting a horse and key questions to ask!I found this article to be interesting! Horse ownership is an exciting prospect! You are now at the point where you know that you have the means to support your horse, you have the knowledge on how to care for the horse, and you are able to ride. Now you want to own your own horse that will meet your riding goals and needs. When purchasing young dressage horses for sale you should always try to have a veterinarian do an exam or be with you especially if you are a novice owner. The veterinarian will be there working for you – not for the seller. Consider additional tests like x-rays to be performed by the veterinarian. Even if you trust and love the person selling you a horse – a pre-purchase veterinarian exam is still a smart idea. When purchasing a horse, there are two types of considerations regarding the horse: behavioral traits and conformation. Behavioral traits have to do with the overall attitude of the horse while conformation concerns the way he is put together. Ideas for “screening” your new horse are below, listed under these categories. Some aspects to consider: Behavioral Traits Look for signs of behavioral problems in the horse’s stall such as chewing, cracked/broken walls, “tracks” worn in the floor, paint scraped off the bars, grain or half chewed hay in bedding, and/or diarrhea. 1. Does this horse have a cribbing or wind sucking problem? If so, how is it currently managed? 2. Does this horse kick in the stall, and if so when and why? 3. Does this horse stall walk, paw or weave? 4. Does this horse grind his teeth on the bars? 5. Can the horse easily be haltered in the stall? Here you can read the rest of the article

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